Tote Bag, dark brown

Brand: HAY Collection: HAY Tote Bags

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in-stock Clearance sale, last 9 pcs in stock

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12.00 € 8.40 € Price incl. VAT Your local VAT is included in the price. For EU VAT registered companies, VAT will be deducted at checkout after filling in a valid VAT number and delivery address. The invoice will be stated as an intra-Community supply of goods (Reverse Charge).×

Stylish HAY Tote Bag in dark brown colour.

The HAY Tote Bag from Danish brand Hay has long handles and a contrast-colour HAY logo to create a functional and distinctive shopping bag. It is made in organic cotton and is available in different colour options. It is ideal for carrying your daily essentials. You can bring it with you when shopping, to the beach, or keep it in your handbag just in case.

Height: 40 cm
Width: 37 cm
Colour: dark brown
Material: cotton
Product code HAY-AD569-B321
EAN 5710441329947

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