Echo Throw Blanket, red

Brand: Northern Collection: Echo Throw Blankets

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Availability: 4 - 6 weeks

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149.00 € 119.20 € Price incl. VAT Your local VAT is included in the price. For EU VAT registered companies, VAT will be deducted at checkout after filling in a valid VAT number and delivery address. The invoice will be stated as an intra-Community supply of goods (Reverse Charge).×

Woolen Echo Throw Blanket from Northern in red.

Minimalistic in appearance, maximalist in comfort and size, the Echo Throw Blanket from Northern is made from premium New Zealand wool. The Norwegian graphic artist Mariken Steen-Forgaard was inspired by the changing shades of the sky clashing with the sea when designing it. Curl up in it with a cup of tea, throw it over the sofa or spread it on the bed. Either way, the Echo Throw Blanket will quickly become a favourite in your home.

Length: 170 cm
Width: 130 cm
Colour: creme, red
Material: 100% new zealand wool
Product code NRT-3292

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