Dahl Pendant Large, dark grey

Brand: Northern Designer: Birger Dahl Collection: Dahl Lamps

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Availability: 4 - 6 weeks

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399.00 € 319.20 € Price incl. VAT Your local VAT is included in the price. For EU VAT registered companies, VAT will be deducted at checkout after filling in a valid VAT number and delivery address. The invoice will be stated as an intra-Community supply of goods (Reverse Charge).×

White hand-blown glass pendant light in a matte finish with matte grey details from Norwegian brand Northern.

The Dahl luminaire was designed in 1956 by Norwegian designer Birger Dahl, and Northern relaunched the brand in 2016 for its 60th anniversary. The lamp is a timeless piece that will stand out in an interior on its own or in a combination of several pieces.

Height: 33 cm
Diameter: 25 cm
Weight: 2,1 kg
Lamp size: small (up to 25 cm)
Colour: white
Material: glass, metal
Main material: glass
Product code NRT-446-444
EAN 7090018214462

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