Personal Cup A, black

Brand: Design Letters Designer: Arne Jacobsen Collection: Design Letters Porcelain

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in-stock Clearance sale, last 1 pc in stock

24.00 € Price incl. VAT Your local VAT is included in the price. For EU VAT registered companies, VAT will be deducted at checkout after filling in a valid VAT number and delivery address. The invoice will be stated as an intra-Community supply of goods (Reverse Charge).×

Black mug Design Letters with the letter A, designed by the famous Danish designer Arne Jacobsen.

Design Letters mugs are a suitable gift for any lover of good coffee or tea. It can also be used as a holder for pencils or other stationery that you want to keep close at hand. Thanks to the wooden lid, the mug can also become a practical box.

Height: 9 cm
Diameter: 8 cm
Colour: black
Material: porcelain
Product code DLE-10204000A
EAN 5710498733162

Jste z Česka? Přejděte na Hrnek A, black
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