Kyoto Crepe wallpaper can look very subtle, even monochromatic from a distance. With a closer look, you can almost feel the lively swirling movement of small stalks of grass and twigs waving in all directions. The motive is printed in relief ink, which enhances the depth of the image. The soft-to-the-touch texture is accentuated by warm undertones, bringing a warm surrounding atmosphere to the interior.
Non-woven wallpapers are highly durable, washable, and colourfast. The wallpapers are printed with water-based paints and, as BorasTapeter strives for sustainability, they are PVC-free and processed as environmentally friendly as possible.
Check out how this wallpaper will look on your wall. Not sure how many rolls of wallpaper you need? You can find a wallpaper calculator on our blog.