Click-on Book Shelf, white

Brand: Flexa

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in-stock Clearance sale, last 2 pcs in stock

−35 %

90.00 € 58.50 € Price incl. VAT Your local VAT is included in the price. For EU VAT registered companies, VAT will be deducted at checkout after filling in a valid VAT number and delivery address. The invoice will be stated as an intra-Community supply of goods (Reverse Charge).×

Wooden Click-on Book Shelf by Flexa.

Book shelf with click-on function for beds or shelving system in the kid's room. The child will easily have acces to it's favourite books for bedtime reading. The book shelf is made of MDF.

Height: 30 cm
Length: 35 cm
Depth: 10,2 cm
Width: 11,2 cm
Colour: white
Material: lacquered MDF
Product code FLX-82-70091

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