Welcome to our new showroom!

Welcome to our new showroom!


Markéta Kubešová

Our relocation to the new showroom was covered in our most recent story. Today, we're writing from the new desk and providing you with more information about how to get there as well as a little inside look.

Showroom DesignVille

In the campus of Brno Bohunice, at Netroufalky 5, you may find our new, significantly larger showroom. The D1 highway exit is the fastest route to get to us, although you may also go to the showroom from the center.


You will therefore be able to transfer your orders without difficulty. There will be a total of six dedicated parking spaces available, two in front of the showroom and four behind the building (see plan).


Even if it will take some time for us to adjust to the new site and perfect the details, there is already something to observe, and trust us when we say it's a wonderful sight. You can now appreciate the distinctive ambience of each of our top brands because we were able to give the majority of them significant separate nooks and corners thanks to the increased space.

Showroom DesignVille

Showroom DesignVille

Showroom DesignVille

Policový systém String v showroomu DesignVille

Showroom DesignVille

Showroom DesignVille

We look forward to your visit!

Jste z Česka? Přejděte na Vítejte v našem novém showroomu!
Ste zo Slovenska? Prejdite na Vitajte v našom novom showroome!

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